[English] 해리포터 팩트 파일 영어 표현 정리 Day 01
Harry Potter Fact Files | Official Encyclopedia of Harry Potter and the Wizarding World
Dive into the Wizarding World Fact Files to uncover fascinating insights about characters, locations and things from the Wizarding World.
해리포터의 공식 세계관 정보글을 해석하면서 개인적으로 공부하고 아카이빙할 목적으로 작성합니다!
Aberforth Dumbledore (애버포스 덤블도어)
A member of the Dumbledore family, Aberforth was the younger brother of Hogwarts Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore and the older brother of Ariana. Aberforth ran the Hogs Head Inn in Hogsmeade. Though more reserved that his older brother, he was instrumental in keeping Dumbledore’s Army going in Harry’s absence – supplying food from his pub to its members. Aberforth’s Patronus took the form of a goat.
덤블도어 가문의 일원인 애버포스는 호그와트의 교장인 알버스 덤블도어의 남동생이고, 아리아나의 오빠입니다. 애버포스는 호그스미드에 위치한 호그스헤드를 운영하고 있습니다. 그의 형보다는 내성적인 성격이지만, 해리의 부재 당시 그의 펍에서 멤버들에게 음식을 조달하면서 덤블도어의 군대를 유지하는 중요한 역할을 했습니다. 애버포스의 패트로누스는 염소입니다.
Inn | (noun) | a pub where you can stay for the night, usually in the countryside |
reserved | (adjective) | Reserved people do not often talk about or show their feeling or thoughts |
[syn] | Not being friendly, abrasive, abrasively, abrasiveness, abruptly, abruptness, aloof, estrangement, flintily, forbidding, forbiddingly, frigid, gruff, offhandedness, offish, remote, remoteness, reservedly, saturnine, wintry | |
instrumental | (adjective) | (INFLUENCE) If someone or something is instrumental in a process, plan, or system, that person or thing is one of the most important influences in causing it to happen: |
[syn] | Affecting and influencing, across-the-board, affect, applicability, be/fall under someone's influence/spell, bear on something, bearing, conflict, ear, influential, influentially, inroad, inspiration, inspo, prompt, rail, run away with someone, shapeable, sphere of influence, spill, spillover |
Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody (앨러스터 '매드-아이' 무디)
Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody was a famed Auror, well respected for his impressive skills in his field. So nicknamed due to his detachable eye that gave him magical advantages, Moody often employed the uses of Dark Detectors such as Sneakoscopes or Foe Glasses to give himself the upper hand.
Following many years of tracking down the most dangerous wizards, he had become very careful about security, bordering on paranoid. His intense knowledge of the Dark Arts made him a perfect candidate for the Defence Against the Dark Arts post at Hogwarts… or so we thought.
In later books, Moody was an integral member of the Order of the Phoenix, where he helped lead the cause against Lord Voldemort alongside fellow Aurors, including his protégé, Nymphadora Tonks.
앨러스터 '매드-아이' 무디는 오러 중에서도 특출난 실력으로 유명한 오러로 알려져 있습니다. 마법적으로 이점을 가지고 있는 탈착식 눈 때문에 '매드-아이'라는 별명이 붙은 무디는, '스니코스코프'나 그의 '눈깔'과 같은 어둠의 탐지기를 사용해서 다른 오러들보다 우위를 점했습니다. 수년 동안 가장 위험한 마법사들을 추적하면서 그는 편집증에 가까울 정도로 보안에 매우 신중해졌습니다. 어둠의 마법에 대한 그의 해박한 지식으로 호그와트의 어둠의 마법 방어술 교수에 완벽한 후보가 될 수 있었습니다...우리가 잘못 생각했을수도요. 나중에 무디는 불사조 기사단의 핵심 멤버로서, 제자 님파도라 통스를 비롯한 동료 오러들과 함께 볼드모트에 대항하는 대의를 이끌었습니다.
the upper hand | (noun) | If you have the upper hand, you have more power than anyone else and so have control |
[syn] | power to control, absolute authority, ahold, all's well that ends well, all-powerful, ascendancy, authoritarianism, discretionary, dominion, drive, girl power, grip, implant, power base, power grab, power structure, power-sharing, power struggle, sway, the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world, yoke | |
border on something | [phrasal verb] | If behaviour, a quality, or a feeling borders on something more extreme, it is almost that thing |
paranoid | [adjective] | feeling extremely nervous and worried because you believe that other people do not like you or are trying to harm you |
integral | [adjective] | necessary and important as a part of a whole |
alongside | (preposition,adverb) | next to, or together with |
protégé |
(noun) | a young person who is helped and taught by an older and usually famous person |
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (알버스 퍼시벌 울프릭 브라이언 덤블도어)
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was Headmaster of Hogwarts and the founder of the Order of the Phoenix, an organisation dedicated to defeating Lord Voldemort. With a penchant for Muggle sweets and a beard long enough to be tucked into his belt, Dumbledore's quirky exterior should not be taken too lightly, for there was nothing that got past this great wizard. Dumbledore was a father figure for Harry Potter, and known to be the only wizard that Voldemort ever feared.
A man of many achievements, Dumbledore helped develop the Philosopher's Stone with his friend, Nicolas Flamel, and was credited with discovering the twelve uses of dragon's blood.
알버스 퍼시벌 울프릭 브라이언 덤블도어는 호그와트의 교장이었으며, 볼드모트에 맞서는 조직인 불사조 기사단의 창설자였습니다. 머글의 달콤한 간식을 좋아하고 허리춤에 넣을 수 있을 정도로 수염을 길게 기른 덤블도어를 겉모습만 보고 가볍게 판단해서는 안됩니다. 이 위대한 마법사를 이길 수 있는 것은 아무것도 없었기 때문이에요. 덤블도어는 해리 포터가 아버지의 아버지처럼 여겨졌던 사람이었고, 볼드모트가 유일하게 두려워했던 마법사로도 알려져있습니다. 많은 업적을 남겼던 덤블도어는 그의 친구, 니콜라스 플라멜을 도와 마법사의 돌을 개발했으며 드래곤의 피를 활용할 수 있는 열두가지 방법을 발견하여 공로를 인정받았습니다.
penchant | (noun) | a liking for, an enjoyment of, or a habit of doing something, especially something that other people might not like |
tuck | (verb) | to push a loose end of a piece of clothing or material into a particular place or position, especially to make it tidy or comfortable |
quirky | (adjective) | unusual in an attractive and interesting way |
father figure | (noun) | an older man who you treat like a father, especially by asking for his advice, help or support |
developed | (adjective) | advanced or powerful |